Re-live and revisit Sunday mornings; we've collected recent messages for you to watch and catch up. We pray that as you hear the Word, you will encounter God and grow in your pursuit of Jesus.
When a disciple sees a need, Jesus has declared that need is their responsibility. We are all called to see the needs in our world and partner with God and each other to meet them.
Jesus lived a clear example of service to His followers; we are to follow His lead in being of service to our brothers and sisters using the gifts that God has given us.
If Jesus were to evaluate the quality of your faith, would it be shallow, or would it be great? Clemence's challenging message encourages us to confront our approach to faith and reminds us of what it takes to grow to have great faith.
To live by faith, we must realise that faith is the only way to please God and that God is sovereign. Our faith is not meant to be blind but based on God's Word.
Everything that God calls us towards will only be accomplished by faith. By faith, we will see His promises, His will, and His purpose come to pass.
We are called to and created for the community in the house of God and with His people. Pastor Chris finishes our series on the mission of our church.
We are called to and for a Godly purpose as people that God has chosen and redeemed.
Our purpose in life is to encounter God for ourselves; it is not to live and operate based on hearsay or second-hand information but to experience Him and know Him for ourselves.
To experience God's best in life, we must be obedient. We can only hope to see prosperity and success when we obey and meditate on what God has asked of us in His Word.
Have we prepared room in our lives for Jesus? This timely reminder from Ps Mike encourages us to reflect on our preparation for our Lord in each and every moment, not just at Christmas.
We were saved and sent by God for a purpose; our salvation comes with works that God has prepared for us to do. We must not neglect to do what He has asked of us.
Where is the margin in your life for God? If we do not draw the margins of our own life and prepare the room for God, life will draw the margins for us.
Ps Chris warns us about the consequences of disobedience; what we allow into our lives will determine the condition of our lives. We must beware spiritual erosion.
In order to go where God is leading us as individuals, we must choose to leave some things behind; thoughts, patterns and behaviours rooted in sin must be cut off. They can't come along.
Are you prepared for the challenges that are ahead in your life? Pastor Mike reminds us to be ready for the day when hardship comes by being committed to the Word and its instruction.
The Church is made up of imperfect people, but God never fails, even when His people come short.
Where the fire of God is brought is where death and destruction stop; as believers, we are to take the presence of God into all our worlds to bring about change, rescue and redemption.
How do we learn to know the voice of God? How do we tell God's voice from others? Ethan provides us with a scriptural framework to help us be confident in knowing the voice of God.
Having hope from an eternal perspective allows us to find joy in whatever circumstance. When we consider the blessings that our lives are filled with, joy at what God has done will grow in us.
What does it mean to be in 'hope'? How does faith relate to hope? Pastor Chris teaches us how these two important words are connected biblically, and what to do with them.