June 6, 2023
This item is part of a series
The Pursuit

The Pursuit - Behold and Become

Pastor Mike encourages us around what it means to consider and behold God so that we in turn may become more like Him by the power of the Spirit.

This lesson features a video link.


Before we experienced God through our relationship with Jesus, we were at a loss. We had no idea what it meant to be human the way God intended, and we didn't know what God was like. Now that Jesus has come, we can see the true nature of God by the power of the Spirit, which transforms us into a renewed representation of His Image.


Audio Session

About the Author

Pastor Mike Frylink

Senior Pastor

Mike, along with his wife Kelly, are the senior pastors of The Gathering and together with their four daughters, consider it a privilege to lead our faith community.

This item is part of a series
The Pursuit