Pastor Mike brings our series on the Names of Jesus to a close, culminating in exploring Jesus as the Word of God and as I AM.
Jesus' referring to Himself as the Bread of Life and the True Vine indicates how we depend on Him in every way. Apart from Christ, we are cut off from our source and have no ability to produce or provide for ourselves.
Pastor Mike continues our series by exploring the names Alpha & Omega, as well as Chief Cornerstone, as we continue to examine what we can learn about Christ through His biblical names.
We continue our series around the Names of Jesus by exploring the names of Immanuel and The Good Shepherd.
Pastor Mike kicks off a new series exploring the biblical names of Jesus. Join us as we discover the character of Jesus throughout scripture as we develop a picture of who Jesus is.
Pastor Mike wraps up our series on the book of Romans by looking at what we are meant to DO with all that God has done for us in Christ. We are called to dedication and activation by the Spirit of God for service to God and others.
In Christ, we have been given a new identity. This new righteous and justified identity changes the trajectory of our lives as our journey of sanctification begins.
Pastor Mike expounds on the theme of justification as taught by the Book of Romans, highlighting where it comes from, how it works and what it does.
Continue with us as we unpack Paul's teachings on righteousness through chapters 4-6 of Romans.
Pastor Mike kicks off our series on the Book of Romans. We'll look at the significance of this book to Christian doctrine and begin to unpack Paul's decision to start with the bad news before telling us the good news about Christ.
Ethan provides a short overview of the features of Biblehub, a helpful study tool that provides access to Bible translations, dictionaries, concordances, lexicons and commentaries.
Ethan gives a short tutorial on the features of the Bible App, a valuable tool for reading the Bible and engaging with scripture anywhere.
Pastor Mike and Ethan close our unpacking sessions with a conversation about practising meditation on the scriptures and allowing God to speak to us.
In our final session in the series, we discuss the importance of embracing the challenge from scripture and ways we can implement what we’ve learned for our benefit and that of others.
Join Pastor Mike and Ethan as they unpack Session 4, discussing community, healthy discussion and the role of the Church in healthy scripture study.
In our fourth session, we highlight the importance of including others in our study process. We do well studying the Word in a community with other believers who are supporting us and challenging us.
Pastor Mike and Ethan unpack our session on Connection, discussing how to handle the Word of God correctly and how to grow in our skills in this area.
In our third session, we discuss connecting scriptures into a cohesive and practical set of principles. Learning to do this correctly is critical to gleaning from and applying the bible.
Join Pastor Mike and Ethan as they unpack the concepts from Session 2, including exegesis and eisegesis, strong Bible translations and defending one's Christian worldview.
Learning to understand the literary context of a passage of scripture immerses us in the words of the Bible, looking at the authors, audiences, ideas, themes and imperatives that it has for us.
Join Ethan and Pastor Mike as they unpack further the concepts and points from the series intro and first session.
Exploring the historical context of the scriptures is a great way to begin exploring the details of the Bible. When we gain perspective, we can see the potency of the Bible's timeless principles.
Welcome to How to Study the Bible from TG Discipleship. Join us as we explore a six-step study cycle that promotes deep study of the Word of God while making the process accessible and engaging.
In our final session in the Names of God series, Pastor Mike shares God's revealed names as our Righteousness and our Rock.
Pastor Mike continues into our fourth session, exploring God's revealed names, Yahweh Rophe and Yahweh Shalom. Not only has God described Himself as our Healer but also as our source of peace.
In our third session, we look at the names Yahweh and Yahweh Yireh, seeing how God has revealed His personal name, Yahweh, and how he has presented Himself as "Provider".
Pastor Mike continues our series on the Names of God, as we uncover God's faithfulness and power towards His promise as El Shadday and His sovereignty as El Elyon.
Pastor Mike begins our series on the names of God by exploring God as our Mighty Creator, and the One who sees us.
Pastor Mike introduces a series on the names of God as found in the scriptures. Through the lens of these names, we'll embark on a character study of who God is and who He has revealed Himself to be for us.
Discipleship is a relationship; nothing else matters if you don’t care about the person you’re mentoring.
If you can have a conversation, you can make a disciple.
Let’s make this personal right from the start: Jesus wants YOU to make disciples.
In this lesson we’ll talk about five spiritual disciplines that should mark your life as a Christian.
Here’s the good news: you have access to everything you need to live a victorious Christian life.
Getting to your defining moment of faith is more than the end of your old life; it’s the beginning of a new one
Pastor Chris debriefs week 4 of the Pursuit, discussing sin as it relates to everyday life, blind spots and finding hope in Jesus while doing the work to put on Christ.
Saving faith starts with God. What was his motivation for sending Jesus to the cross? Why did he make such a costly sacrifice?
Jesus is the most written-about, fought-over, and misunderstood person in history. But who was he, really?
Pastor Mike encourages us around what it means to consider and behold God so that we in turn may become more like Him by the power of the Spirit.
By considering the available manuscripts and the large number of prophecies concerning Jesus, we can see that the Bible is a trustworthy historical document and that Jesus was more than just a historical figure.
Pastor Mike shares some thoughts about what it means to draw near to God.
Why do so many people feel far from God, and why is the world so broken?
Whether you believe in biblical Christianity or not, you have been fundamentally shaped by its ideas.
The Bible is ultimately about Jesus, and the changed lives of his followers is the most compelling proof of its message.
In this lesson, we’ll look at three things you need to know about the heart of God and the good news it reveals about pursuing him.