Ethan provides a short overview of the features of Biblehub, a helpful study tool that provides access to Bible translations, dictionaries, concordances, lexicons and commentaries.
Ethan gives a short tutorial on the features of the Bible App, a valuable tool for reading the Bible and engaging with scripture anywhere.
Pastor Mike and Ethan close our unpacking sessions with a conversation about practising meditation on the scriptures and allowing God to speak to us.
In our final session in the series, we discuss the importance of embracing the challenge from scripture and ways we can implement what we’ve learned for our benefit and that of others.
Join Pastor Mike and Ethan as they unpack Session 4, discussing community, healthy discussion and the role of the Church in healthy scripture study.
In our fourth session, we highlight the importance of including others in our study process. We do well studying the Word in a community with other believers who are supporting us and challenging us.
Pastor Mike and Ethan unpack our session on Connection, discussing how to handle the Word of God correctly and how to grow in our skills in this area.
In our third session, we discuss connecting scriptures into a cohesive and practical set of principles. Learning to do this correctly is critical to gleaning from and applying the bible.
Join Pastor Mike and Ethan as they unpack the concepts from Session 2, including exegesis and eisegesis, strong Bible translations and defending one's Christian worldview.
Learning to understand the literary context of a passage of scripture immerses us in the words of the Bible, looking at the authors, audiences, ideas, themes and imperatives that it has for us.
Join Ethan and Pastor Mike as they unpack further the concepts and points from the series intro and first session.
Exploring the historical context of the scriptures is a great way to begin exploring the details of the Bible. When we gain perspective, we can see the potency of the Bible's timeless principles.
Welcome to How to Study the Bible from TG Discipleship. Join us as we explore a six-step study cycle that promotes deep study of the Word of God while making the process accessible and engaging.