This item is part of a series
How to Study the Bible

Read and Understand the Word of God

Welcome to How to Study the Bible from TG Discipleship. Join us as we explore a six-step study cycle that promotes deep study of the Word of God while making the process accessible and engaging.


In this session, we introduce a six-step study framework that will help believers at all stages of their spiritual journey to make practical study habits and deepen their biblical knowledge. We encourage dependence on the Holy Spirit to empower our growth as we study, teaching and enlightening us with the Word. We'll also discuss the importance of being centred in our hearts and minds, not allowing personal biases and experiences to wreak havoc with our perception of meaning in the Bible, but rather, being open-minded and aware of our current internal posture.


Audio Session

About the Author

Ethan Entz

TG Discipleship

Ethan is dedicated to building community and practically helping others apply Biblical principles. Ethan, together with his beautiful wife, Lauren, considers it a privilege to serve the Gathering and be a part of what God is doing.